Di2 Summit 2024 Media
The Di2 Summit 2024 was a great success! Please find pictures and video footage below.
Di² Summit 2024
September 16th & 17th at Motorworld Munich
The Summit starts in
- 00Days
Di² Summit 2024 - Pre-Workshops
On the 16th of September, Pre-Workshops from our partners, Bavarian Provider Workshop, BREKO nextgen, purtel &OpenXS Open Access Road Show, Women in Digital Infrastructure, ZVEI Data Centre, the Di4 Annual General Meeting and the Welcome Dinner took place.
Di² Summit 2024 - September 17th
The 7th edition of the Di² Summit
The Digital Infrastructure Investment Summit is the climax of Di4’s activities. The Di² Summit gathers the players discussing Digital Infrastructure requirements and investments for future competition and economic growth.
Meet asset owners, investors, advisers, policy-makers from all over Europe and help shape our future digital infrastructure landscape!
Visit our Ticket Shop and get your ticket for the Summit 2025 now!
The Di² Summit gives you plenty of opportunity for expanding your network and to discuss investment opportunities!
The Main Event is our Workshop Day on Tuesday, September 17th in Munich. You can listen to Expert Keynotes and participate in small interactive Workshops to discuss investment opportunities and current trends in digital infrastructure and digitalization.
Additionally, you can join us on September 16th for a Pre-Event Dinner at the Motorworld in Munich.
And for our Di² Summit ernthusiasts, we offer an additional day on September 16th with additional Di2 Summit Preworkshops hosted by BREKO and others.
September 16th | Pre-Workshops
Zeppelin Lounge
purtel & OpenXS Open Access Roadshow
10.00 – 10.15 Uhr Ankunft und Registrierung 10.15 – 11.30 Uhr Teil 1: Strukturelle Komponenten Di4: Open Access – Alternatvie Nachfrager, Aggregatoren und Erlösmodelle Bremer Woitag Wirtschaftsrat Recht: Chancen und ...
Room Scheunenfund
Regionale Glasfasererschließung in Bayern: Providerworkshop
Regionale Glasfasererschließung in Bayern: Providerworkshop Limited to Telecommunications providers in Bavaria. (Internal event) ...
Room Poldi
Di4 e.V. Annual General Meeting
Our AGM takes place just before the Di2 Summit kicks off at Motorworld Munich. Every member is wholeheartedly welcome! (INTERNAL event - for members only) ...
Room Röhrl & Geistdörfer
ZVEI Data Center Workshop (INTERNAL)
This Workshop is an internal event of ZVEI e.V. ...
Room "Strietzel" Stuck 1 & 2
Fiber for Future: Glasfasernetze als nachhaltiges Investment?
Glasfasernetze können einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeitsbilanz des IKT-Sektors beitragen – so die These der Glasfaserbranche. Doch trifft diese Annahme auch aus Sicht ...
Zeppelin Lounge
Women in Digital Infrastructure – Cocktail Reception
Summit 2024 - WiDI von Lukas Ruderisch ...
Motorworld Inn
Welcome Dinner
Our traditional Welcome Dinner takes place at the Motorworld Inn. Take the opportunity to meet exciting people whoe share enthusiasm for digital infrastructure. Enjoy excellent ...
September 16th | Welcome Dinner
September 17th | Di2 Summit
09:00 - 09:30 Coffee | Registration
09:30 - 09:40 Welcome Address
Dr. Nico Grove & Thomas Langer | Vice Presidents (Di4 e.V.)
09:40 - 10:00 Keynote: Telekom und Glasfaser - unsere Zutaten für wachsende Infrastruktur-Marktanteile
Thilo Höllen | SVP Breitbandkooperationen (Deutsche Telekom)
Thilo Höllen verantwortet seit fünf Jahren die Aktivitäten der Telekom rund um Partnerschaften im Netzausbau. Dazu zählen die Aktivitäten, bei denen Telekom nicht im eigenwirtschaftlichen Ausbau tätig ist, sondern kooperativ vorgeht. So gründete Telekom Deutschland mittlerweile zwei Glasfaser – Joint Ventures mit Partnern und ist mit vielen Stadtwerken im kooperativen Ausbau aktiv. Daneben verantwortet er auch die BSA-wholebuy Aktivitäten in Deutschland: hier zeichnet er verantwortlich für eine Vielzahl Deals mit den unterschiedlichen Partnern in ganz Deutschland. Thilo Höllen studierte Accounting, Controlling und European Business Studies an der Hochschule Trier sowie dem Athlone Institute of Technology, Irland, und absolvierte 2021 einen MBA in General Management bei der ESMT Berlin.
10:15 - 11:15 Session 1
Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten? – Stadtwerkestrategien 24/25
Investment trends in digital infrastructure
Copper Fibre Migration in Germany
Data Center Infrastruktur für KI
11:30 - 12:30 Session 2
Credit ratings: How a rating agency looks at the digital infrastructure sector in Europe
LEAM – Digitale Infrastrukturen für ChatGPT & Co
Stadtwerke und der synergetische Ausbau der Stromverteilnetze
12:30 - 13:30 Networking Lunch (Motorworld Inn)
13:30 - 13:50 Keynote: Investitionsfelder in der Elektromobilität
Dr. Sylvie Römer | Managing Director (ChargeHere GmbH)
In ihrer Position als Managing Director bei der ChargeHere GmbH treibt Dr. Sylvie Römer den Ausbau von Ladeinfrastruktur für Unternehmen und moderne Wohnquartiere voran. Als begeisterte E-Mobilistin und verantwortliche Geschäftsführerin für die Bereiche Produktentwicklung, Marketing und Vertrieb weiß sie aus erster Hand, wo die Bedarfe der Kunden und Nutzer liegen und wohin die Entwicklungen der Ladetechnologien führen. Ihre umfassende Expertise und strategische Vision erlangte Dr. Römer auch aus ihrer langjährigen Tätigkeit als Head of Mobility bei Horváth, wo sie große Kunden bei der Strategieentwicklung im Bereich Ladeinfrastruktur und (E-)Mobilität beriet.
14:00 - 15:00 Session 3
BREKO-Marktanalyse Ergebnisse 2024
Update after the EU elections – Implications for financing digital infrastructure
Update after the EU elections – Implications for financing digital infrastructure
15:15 - 16:15 Session 4
How to overcome security challenges with SDN: Invest wisely and sustainably
Das EU – Weißbuch für einen Digital Networks Act: Was wollen Investoren?
16:15 - 17:00 Plenum
17:00 - 18:30 Closing Cocktails & Networking Farewell
Zeppelin Lounge
Motorworld Munich
The Munich scene meeting place for driving culture, lifestyle, events, concerts and conferences
Here you will find more than 30 of the world’s most valuable and exclusive vehicle brands, a comprehensive range of automotive service providers and specialized workshops, numerous stores, various event locations, including the internationally renowned Zenith Hall and 23 conference rooms, as well as the four-star AMERON München Motorworld hotel, eight different restaurants, bars and cafes, and 120 glass parking boxes. Motorworld München is committed to climate protection.
Click here for directions to the Motorworld Munich
For Di2 Summit participants, we have reserved a limited room contingent with special conditions at Althoff Hotels Amaron Munich Motorworld.
Please book your accomodation direcly via this AMERON Munich and use the booking reference: Di4 Summit 2024
Ticket Offers
Members of Di4 e.V. Partner Organizations
Di4 e.V. Members
Government Officials, Partner Institutions, NGOs & Sponsors
- Investors, Consultants & General Interest 1,200 EUR
- DI Operators, DI Asset Developer 0 EUR*
- Investors, Consultants & General Interest 600 EUR*
- DI Operators, DI Asset Developer 0 EUR*
- Company Members: up to 3 tickets 0 EUR*
- Individual Members 600 EUR*
- 0€*
*Please note, that reduced/free tickets are only valid following confirmation from Di4 e.V. office.
Additional Events:
Participation in the Welcome Dinner on September 16th can be selected in the ticket shop for all ticket categories.
Tickets for the Pre-Workshops are assigned by the partners individually. A separate registration is required. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Di4 office for more Information.
Terms and conditions:
The organizer reserves the right to cancel admission to the event if an inappropriate category was selected. Attendees can cancel their tickets up to four weeks before the event. Attendees are allowed to modify the name on their tickets until the day before the event (until 06 September 2024).
Check out our great supporters, making the Di² Summit 2024 possible! Thank you!
Gold Sponsors
Bird & Bird LLP is an international law firm which supports organisations being changed by technology or the digital world. We combine exceptional legal expertise with deep industry knowledge and refreshingly creative thinking, to help clients achieve their commercial goals. With over 1300 lawyers in 29 offices across Europe, the Middle East, Asia-Pacific and North America, as well as close ties with firms in other parts of the world, we're ready to help you wherever you are. If you want to find out more, visit www.twobirds.com.
kawikani is a Digital Infrastructure M&A boutique, providing investors with classical buy-and-build cases, strategy support in products, markets, operations and technology, as well as commercial and technical due diligence for operators, investors and banks.
The Di² Summit is proudly supported by
Federal Ministry of Transport & Digital Infrastructure
European Investment Bank
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
Sponsorship & speaker enquiries:
Thomas Langer
+49 173 531 3450
Logistics-related enquiries:
Lukas Ruderisch
office@diiii.net +49 1511 5538141