Open Access in der Praxis

Short Association Introduction

Founded in 2009 BUGLAS (Bundesverband Glasfaseranschluss, federal association for fibre access networks) today has about 170 member enterprises and associations deploying and running fibre networks (FttB/H, fibre to the building/home) all over Germany. BUGLAS’ members supply the big majority of all German FttB/H customers (private as well as commercial customers). More information to be found:

 Workshop Host

Wolfgang Heer, economist, has more than 20 years of experience in the ICT sector. Before taking the management of BUGLAS in 2011 he was working in German federal policy as well as in ICT enterprises and associations. Wolfgang is Co-Founder of European Local Fibre Alliance ELFA ( which aims to promote future proof Fibre Access Networks in Brussels and today has 12 member associations from 9 European countries.

Workshop Objective (This workshop will in GERMAN)

Open access and the resulting increase in network usage is the key to accelerating fiber rollout in German-speaking countries. What is the status in Germany and Austria? How can enterprises be enabled to actively pursue the open access model?

Workshop Content:

  1. Current Situation in Germany: How is the broadband market developing? Why is open access the key to addressing current challenges such as the copper-to-fiber migration and the issue of double deployment? What role does the Gigabit Forum play in this context?
  2. Austrian Experiences with Wholesale-Only Business Models: What have been the experiences in Austria with wholesale-only business models? How do the Open Access ID contribute to the broadband market in Austria?
  3. How can enterprises be enabled to organize, automize and standardize their business processes in order to efficiently take part in the open access-market?
  4. Roadmap to Open-Access-Project via Lighthouse Projects with networks & ISPs



Sep. 17 2024


15:15 - 16:15


Zeppelin Lounge



Weitere Veranstalter

VX Fiber
