Connected Germany 2023
Connected Germany now taking place on
December, 5th – 6th 2023
International Congress Center Messe München
Germany’s connectivity landscape is transforming. The goal is ambitious: to roll out ubiquitous, converged networks with gigabit speeds by the end of 2025. Now more than ever, it is imperative that all those involved in building next-generation networks come together to advance Germany’s broadband strategy .
With over 1,500 delegates and 150 speakers, Connected Germany will provide a forum where leading experts, decision makers, suppliers, investors, companies and others can exchange thoughts, discover perspectives and form partnerships.
At Connected Germany 2023 we will forge the connections to build a better connected Germany.
Thomas Langer at Connected Germany 2023

Thomas Langer live on December 5th
14:20 PANEL (30 minutes)
Assessing the investment & market landscape
– How have market dynamics evolved within Germany’s digital infrastructure investment landscape?
– Is increased market consolidation likely?
– Joint ventures, partnerships & market collaboration
– Networks & profitability: how can investors secure ROI?
Jan Budden, Managing Director, Deutsche GigaNetz (tbc)
Visit the Connected Germany 2023 Website to learn more about the event!
To learn more about the upcoming event, visit the Connected Germany 2023 Website or register right now!