Di² Summit 2023

Registration is open!

On October 25th at the Airport Club Frankfurt

Di² Summit 2023

October 25th in Frankfurt

The Summit starts in

  • 00Days

About the Di² Summit

The Digital Infrastructure Investment Summit is the climax of Di4’s activities. It is an annual event, that first took place in 2018.

The Di² Summit offers the unique opportunity to meet and get in touch with investors, financial partners, consultants and political decision-makers from Germany and Europe in a relaxed atmosphere in order to discuss Digital Infrastrucutre requirements and investments for future competition and economic growth.


The Ticket Shop is open, get your ticket for the Summit 2023 now!

Ticket Offers


Members of Di4 e.V. Partner Organizations

Di4 e.V. Members

Government Officials, NGOs 
& Sponsors

  • Investors, Consultants & General Interest 1,150 EUR
  • DI Operators, DI Asset Developer 500 EUR*
  • Investors, Consultants & General Interest 920 EUR**
  • DI Operators, DI Asset Developer
    0 EUR**
  • Company Members: up to 3 tickets 0 EUR*
  • Individual Members 750 EUR*
  • 0 EUR*


  • Investors, Consultants & General Interest 1,150 EUR
  • DI Operators, DI Asset Developer 500 EUR*

Members of Di4 e.V. Partner Organizations

  • Investors, Consultants & General Interest 920 EUR**
  • DI Operators, DI Asset Developer
    0 EUR**

Di4 e.V. Members

  • Company Members: up to 3 tickets 0 EUR*
  • Individual Members 750 EUR*

Government Officials, NGOs & Sponsors

  •  0 EUR*

*Please note, that reduced/free tickets are only valid following confirmation from Di4 e.V. office. Free Tickets for Sponsors are regulated by the sponsoring agreement.
**For the reduced ticket price, please select the corresponding ticket category on the registration form and enter the name of the Di4 partner organization, that you are a part of. You can take a look at our Partner organizations here.

Additional Events:

Every Di² Summit participant, regardless of the ticket category, is invited to attend the Welcome Dinner on the day prior to the Summit at no additional charge. Please check the associated box in the registration form to let us know whether you will be attending the dinner or not.

Terms and conditions:

The organizer reserves the right to cancel admission to the event if an inappropriate category was selected. Attendees can cancel their tickets up to four weeks before the event. Attendees are allowed to modify the name on their tickets until the day before the welcome dinner. To modify the name of the attendee, please contact the Di4 Office

Please click the Register Now button to open the registration form. The filled in form will be send to the Di4 Office to be processed. You will recieve your ticket and the invoice, if applicable, afterwards.


The Di² Summit gives you plenty of opportunity for expanding your network and to discuss investment opportunities!

The Summit consists of Expert Keynotes held infront of a big audience, before branching out into small interactive roundtable discussions moderated by top-class industry and financial experts to discuss investment opportunities and current trends in digital infrastructure and digitalization. Unlike typical conference events, you have the opportunity to exchange ideas and share experiences directly in small groups.

Additionally we host a Welcome Dinner on the day prior to the Di² Summit, that leaves plenty of networking opportunities.

October 24th | Welcome Dinner


18.00 – 22.00     Welcome Dinner 

Ristorante Tridico
(Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 35-37, 60327 Frankfurt am Main)


October 25th | Di² Summit


09.30 – 10.00 Welcome Coffee | Registration at the Airport Club Frankfurt
10.00 – 10.10 Welcome Address
10.10 – 10.30 Keynote Speech 1
10.30 – 11.30 Roundtable Discussions – session 1
11.30 – 12.00 Coffee Break
12.00 – 13.00 Roundtable Discussions – session 2
13.00 – 14.10 Lunch Break
14.10 – 14.30 Keynote Speech 2
14.30 – 15.30 Roundtable Discussions – session 3
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee Break
16.00 – 17.00 Plenum – panel & discussion
17.00                Closing networking cocktail with finger food

Roundtables and Keynotes

The Programme for the Di² Summit 2023 is a work in progress and will be continiously updated here.

Keynote Speakers

Take a look at this year’s Roundtables and Speakers!
To learn more about the content of the Keynotes, scroll over the Logo’s of our Keynote Speakers below



Take a look at who is hosting this year’s Roundtable Discussions!


Take a look at this year’s Roundtables!
To learn more about the content of the roundtables, scroll over the Logo’s of our Roundtable Hosts below



With its 34 conference rooms, the Airport Club Frankfurt is amongst the largest and most exclusive Business Clubs in Europe.
Ideally located on the airport hub itself and easily reachable from the vibrant city center, this one-of-a-kind venue offers outstanding personal care with utterly discreet service.

Click here for directions to the Airport Club Frankfurt

Add the Di² Summit to your calendar

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Check who helped us make the Di² Summit 2023 possible!

Diamond Sponsors

Gold Sponsors


The Di² Summit is proudly supported by

Federal Ministry of Transport & Digital Infrastructure

European Investment Bank

Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau

Sponsorship & speaker enquiries: 

Thomas Langer 
+49 173 531 3450

Logistics-related enquiries: 
Svenja Kohl 
+49 151 24046114