CMG-AE (Computer Measurement Group – Austria & Eastern Europe) is an open, vendor independent forum for stakeholders in the communication and information technology sector. The universal guideline of all CMG activities is how to implement innovation in a meaningful, economical and sustainable way for the benefit of society. CMG is part of an international Non-Profit-Organization, called CMG. The headquarter is based in the USA.
Since establishment 1995 in Austria CMG has successfully established more than 10 working groups on different technical topics. The output based on reports, position papers, workshops, study-tours, conferences and academies has influenced regulation, national standardization bodies, governmental organizations and the general public. One of largest CMG groups is the Action Group Gigabit Fiber Access (AGGFA) working group established in 2009. The AGGFA is devoted to the promotion of FTTH and the wholesale only (Open Access Network – OAN) business models with the focus on rural areas, to disseminate the relevant knowledge and to provide a platform for exchange of experience and networking. More details on