Connected Germany 2023

Connected Germany now taking place on 

December, 5th – 6th 2023
International Congress Center Messe München

Germany’s connectivity landscape is transforming. The goal is ambitious: to roll out ubiquitous, converged networks with gigabit speeds by the end of 2025. Now more than ever, it is imperative that all those involved in building next-generation networks come together to advance Germany’s broadband strategy .

With over 1,500 delegates and 150 speakers, Connected Germany will provide a forum where leading experts, decision makers, suppliers, investors, companies and others can exchange thoughts, discover perspectives and form partnerships.

At Connected Germany 2023 we will forge the connections to build a better connected Germany.


Thomas Langer at Connected Germany 2023

Thomas Langer live on December 5th
14:20 PANEL (30 minutes)

Assessing the investment


Dez. 05 - 06 2023




International Congress Center Messe München
Messe München GmbH, Messegelände, 81823 München

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